Musumusukkai Powder (Mukia maderaspatana) 100% Natural Herbal Supplement


Ingredients: Mukia maderaspatana
Other Names: Common name: Mukia maderaspatana, Tamil: Musumuskkai, Telugu: Musumusukaya, Malayalam: Chitrati, Kannada: Chitrati, Marathi: Bilavi, Sanskrit: Musimusikkay, Hindi: Aganaki, Agumaki
Suggested use: Mix one spoon (5 gms) of Musumusukkai powder in a glass of water and drink. Take twice daily after food or as adviced by doctor.

Packing: 100 g (Net weight)

6 in stock


Musumusukkai is a time tested, traditional remedy, considered very effective in treating constipation, gas problems, anxiety, biliousness (pitta), dyspepsia, Lack of appetite, hyper acidity, toothache, Asthma, dry cough, hypertension and diabetes. It has a calming effect and a good expectorant. This is herb is also used regularly as part of diet in many ways to improve the overall health.

Musumusukkai is one of the popular herbs of Tamil Nadu. This herb is useful in treating conditions of impaired kapha and pitta. It is rich in phenolics that contribute to its medicinal properties. Musumusukkai contains tinosporidine and columbin and beta-sitosterol, the reason for the herb’s adaptogenic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, hypoglycemic, antioxidant, immuno-potentiating and hepato-protective properties. 

Musumusukkai / Mukia maderaspatana belongs to Cucurbitaceae family. It is a good diuretic, stomachic, antipyretic, antiflatulent, antiasthmatic and antibronchitis besides its use in vertigo and biliousness. It is used in Ayurveda for various therapeutic purposes such as relief of toothache or flatulence, and as an expectorant and a sudorific. Certain traditional medical practitioners also use the leaf-tea of this plant for alleviation of jaundice.

Decoctions of leaves of this plant have been used by Siddha practitioners in Tamil Nadu for the treatment of hypertension. This plant leaf extract has also been shown to have hepatoprotective, immunomodulatory effects and antiarthritic activity properties. Furthermore, studies showed that consumption of M. maderaspatana leaf-tea significantly attenuated blood pressure, strengthened blood antioxidant potential, and lowered glycoprotein components in patients with hypertension.

Musumusukkai leaf-tea consumption helps in blood pressure management, strengthens blood lipid profile, and showed beneficial effects on fibrinogen and bilirubin levels in patients with hypertension, which provide a pharmacologic basis for the traditional use of this plant.


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Additional information

Weight100 g
Dimensions21 × 3 × 13 cm